Environmental Reporting
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Bob Lindmeier, WKOW-TV (Madison, WI) Register here: https://members.michmab.com/ap/Events/Register/kgFedQkUzCVC1
Heartland Media Conference
The Minnesota Broadcasters Association, North Dakota Broadcasters Association and South Dakota Broadcasters Association bring you the Heartland Media Conference. The conference will look at ways to innovate, provide opportunities to collaborate with ...
FCC, Government, & Regulatory Update
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
David Oxenford, Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP & Shawn Donilon, National Association of Broadcasters Register here: https://members.michmab.com/ap/Events/Register/wZFxNREfeCxCw
Disruptive Innovation in the Broadcast Business
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Explore the cutting-edge innovations reshaping the broadcast industry. Delve into case studies of businesses that have successfully navigated the digital transformation, integrating new technologies like streaming and on-demand content driven by AI and ...
Winning the Tug of War With Time
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Ryan Dohrn has trained over 30,000 media sales professionals and this is one of his most popular workshops! From creating call zones to time-saving email templates to making better use of your CRM tools - learn expert and well-tested tips to reclaim ...
Impactful Storytelling
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Positive psychology principles such as gratitude, optimism, and mindfulness can enhance the storytelling techniques used in journalism. Journalists can incorporate these elements to craft stories that resonate emotionally and inspire action while ...
Closing the Gap Between Upper Management & Gen Z
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Derron Steenbergen, Swagger Institute Register here: https://members.michmab.com/ap/Events/Register/07FZ1QETxCwCR
Small Market Success Stories
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Paul Jacobs of Jacobs Media provides a review of small market radio and television stations who are innovating and developing new strategies for growth. Register here: https://members.michmab.com/ap/Events/Register/EqF2lKAugC6C9.